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How to Design The Best Greenhouse to Grow Hemp Plants

shelley1a2 shelley1a2
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You've decided to cultivate hemp in a greenhouse because its the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective method for growing these types of plants in a mass quantity. The natural energy from sunlight with a few supplementations by LED Grow Lights partnered with light deprivation is sufficient to grow healthier plants. So the next question is, what should it look like? What materials will you need to bring your design to life?

Picture your design

It's good to have a simple layout with practical use. Starting with the frames: metal frames have less of a chance of catching fire due to excessive heat from lamps. It is also durable enough to survive cold seasons and high winds you may experience. It can be more costly than the aesthetically pleasing wooden frames, but it will last a lot longer and require less maintenance. 

Next, consider the best position for the structure. It will need to be somewhere facing natural sunlight and have access to sources of light substitutions. Make sure that the greenhouse is pretty spacious for storage, work tables, and has access to the water supply.

Finally, a translucent glass covering for the greenhouse helps to distribute light evenly. If you are on a set budget, you can also go with a plastic or fiberglass covering. For added security, applying a coat of paint to shield it from the outside world is a good idea.

Light Source

A source of light, whether sunlight or artificial, is the essential design step in order for your hemp plants to grow. A plant requires at least 18 hours of lighting which you can rely on sunlight during daylight hours and artificial light at night. Some of the best-supplemented light sources for growing hemp plants are LED. They not only optimize a higher yield but also provide you with year-round production.

Proper Ventilation

Your hemp plant will be still able to grow during winter because a well-designed greenhouse retains heat when the weather isn't ideal. Humidity building up is a result of the temperature change, which also decreases the need for watering. However, regulating the evaporation is necessary.  So, when creating the greenhouse, make sure that it has its own standardized vent – it will take excess heat away from the structure.

Install a method to block light

The flowering stage of hemp requires you to keep your greenhouse completely dark. A minimum of 12 hours of constant darkness forces hemp flowers to blossom and will help save on a regular production schedule. To achieve this artificial night, you can use paint that prevents the light from penetrating the buds or install light deprivation technology. Don't forget to cover the door openings.

There are many manufacturers online that offer fully automated hemp greenhouses that can be tailor-made to your preference of cultivation. These are in place to take the guesswork out of your craft to produce a quality product every time.